Oh McCain…you have done it again!

23 08 2008

As the race towards the US presidential election draws near Obama and McCain need to be bringing out the big guns (no McCain, put them away, I didn’t mean it in the literal sense). But the only thing McCain is bringing out is comments which have Americans, and the rest of the world asking, “is McCain just plain stupid?”

I think this speaks for itself

He doesn’t know how many houses he owns:

When asked about how many houses he owned McCain was uncertain answering, “I think- I’ll have my staff get to you” (Politico 21/08/08).

He doesn’t agree with countries invading other countries:

In response to Russia sending armed forces into Georgia McCain stated, “In the 21st century nations don’t invade other nations” (The Huffington Post 13/08/08), seemingly forgetting about the two countries America currently occupies.

But we can’t be too harsh on McCain for forgetting about America invading Iraq, after all it is in the Middle East and his geography of that area is not the best:

McCain told Good Morning America that there is “a lot of work to do” with the situation in Afghanistan. But he warned that it would be a “very hard struggle, particularly given the situation on the Iraq-Pakistan border.” Oops McCain, there is no border between these two countries!

Yes maybe he needs to work on his geography but he will fix the economy:

“The issue of economics is not something I’ve understood as well as I should. I’ve got Greenspan’s book.” (The Boston Globe 17/12/07)

This sheds light onto these comments:

McCain said that to solve Social Security “everything is on the table”, meaning that payroll taxes will have to be raised. Later in Denver he said, “Senator Obama will raise your taxes. I won’t.” Then in Reno McCain said “The worst thing you could do is raise peoples taxes, my God!” Then when asked again about fixing Social Security he repeated, “everything has to be on the table” (The Wall Street Journal 31/07/08).

Yeah I think you should get stuck into that book McCain, and maybe borrow an atlas, catch up on America’s recent history and work on your maths!

McCain for President? I certainly hope not. America I’m counting on you!



One response

10 09 2008

It seems much of what McCain talks about highly reflects his stupidity. I mean seriously, who does not know how many houses they own. And if it was me I would not be admitting that to the whole country. The fact he also thinks that Iraq and Pakistan are bordering countries suggest his low geographical knowledge. I don’t see how he can be giving the American public much confidence in knowing that one day soon he could be the leader of their country.

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